Alex Vlasto
Published on:
August 11, 2023
min. read

Product Release Notes: 8.11.23

Lender outreach, on your terms.

We’ve released two major updates to Lev Match that will make lender outreach easier and more effective: connected lender outreach and bulk email follow-ups.

Connected lender outreach

What is it

When you’re reaching out to lenders to market a new deal you can now create separate launch emails for new and connected lenders. You can write connected lender emails as one off notes or create templates that you can use for all deals, giving you maximum flexibility.

Why does it matter?

You’ve spent the time building relationships with your connected lenders, so sending generic pitch emails feels a little too formal. With this new feature you can send your formal emails to new groups, while sending more personal notes to the lenders you have close relationships with.

Bulk email follow-ups

What is it?

Once you’ve launched your deal, you can now send bulk follow-up emails to different groups of lenders. Our Capital Markets team has created templates you can use depending on where you are in the process with different groups. Need to send follow-ups to groups that haven’t responded? There’s a template for that. Need to send bulk emails to groups who have submitted terms to let them know you’re reviewing what they’ve shared? There’s a template for that too. And much more.

Why does it matter?

One of the key benefits of Lev Match is the way we put you in front of a wide cross-section of lenders who meet your financing requirements. With more lenders reviewing your deal, keeping up to date with requests and follow-ups is really important. This bulk email feature makes the whole process a breeze.

Learn more about these new messaging enhancements through the video walkthrough.